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Firstly, I’d like to offer a great big thank you for all of your support this year, whether that was online or in person at the Tree Walks. It’s been an interesting and challenging year, to say the least, and one that many of us will be glad to put behind us.

At Winter Solstice we celebrate the returning of the light. We are now buried deep within that period where the sun stands still, its setting point on the horizon drawing to a halt for a few brief days before it proceeds back in the other direction, each day bringing ever increasing increments of light, gradually winding up the Spring.

This time of Solstice is a time for deep rest, introspection, perhaps a time to plan, or to allow plans to make themselves. I will be taking the time to retreat, take each day slowly, to get out walking in the deep winter and to quietly plan my approach on 2021. Though I can’t wait to get out walking again in the Spring, I am also grateful for this time of darkness and the opportunity to surrender to it.

Over the last two weeks, I have been preparing and recording a Virtual Winter Solstice Tree Walk, you can view a couple of excerpted tracks below as well as the entire 33 minute excursion, also included below. This was released as part of the Glastonbury Virtual Winter Solstice broadcast via the Glastonbury Tourist Info fb page along with a selection of other local artists.

I hope this short broadcast provides those who can’t make it to Avalon with an opportunity to connect with the land the trees and with Grandmother Lime. I feel like collectively we are standing on a crossroads and that this potent Winter Solstice, with its auspicious planetary alignments, is our opportunity to break on through and imagine a new world to inhabit. But we need rest to recover from what has been a difficult year.

This time of short days at the Winter Solstice is the perfect period to allow ourselves that rest, and to make the most of the fruitful darkness, giving birth to new dreams and initiating new possibilities heading into 2021.

I wish you all the best for the new year ahead, strength, resolve and unconditional love from the trees of Avalon.

Virtual Winter Solstice

Full 30 minute virtual Winter Solstice Tree Walk:


A Prayer For Avalon

Track excerpt


For The Fire

Track excerpt

A ‘Laney’ Daydream.


Have a Wonderful Festive Season.
Wishing you all the best for 2021.
With Love.
Matt x


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Matt Witt

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